We, Reachers, are hugely passionate about supporting and strengthening the sales of your business through our sales training and coaching sessions. On this page, we summarise our vision in the form of some sales quotes. These sales quotes strongly inspire us, and they form the foundation of our services.
Customer surplus value
"The customer is not interested in what your product is. He is interested in what it does for him, what specific result he can get out of it."
We notice in our sales training courses that salespeople too often speak in terms of specifications. However, that is not what your customers or prospects want to hear, they want to know what benefits and specific results they can achieve through your offer.
Sales quote by Steef Coene
"Hope is not a strategy"
Sales success is not achieved overnight; it is not created by haphazardly undertaking some business and hoping for the best. It requires careful planning with a sales plan, and you need to keep a close eye on your prospects and customers.
Sales quote from Rick Page
"Selling is making sure people convince themselves"
Initially, you need to find out your customer's needs by open and targeted questions ask. You should then link your solutions to your customer's answers. If you do this, your customer will have the feeling that they were not "sold to", but that they "bought" it.
Sales quote by Steef Coene
Customer focus
"Approach each customer with the idea of helping them solve a problem or achieve a goal, not selling a product or service"
The focus of a sales call should not be on selling, but on helping your customer. Help find a solution to a problem, or a method to achieve a goal. This approach builds trust, which increases your chances of a successful sale.
Sales quote from Brian Tracy
Narrative selling
"Those who tell stories rule society"
Stories work better. Instead of talking dryly only about benefits and specifications, try telling a story preceding the solution first. You will find that your customer will hang on your every word.
Sales quote from Plato
Customer relations
"The energy you put into the customer in the form of attention and interest, as a salesperson, you get back in the form of orders."
Customer contact does not stop when the sale is completed. A good salesperson also builds and maintains a professional and lasting relationship with the customer. In fact, relationship management is one of the most important elements in a sales process.
Sales quote by Steef Coene