We would like to give you some practical sales tips for account managers to maximise your chances of success.
  1. Recharge before your calls. Make sure your energy level is optimal before you start your sales calls. Tip: listen to your favourite music just before you enter the client's office.
  2. Prospect even when sales are good and at first glance there is no need to look for new customers. A full sales pipeline provides peace of mind and an apple against the thirst when times are a little slower.
  3. As important as prospecting is (lol), your existing customers always take precedence over prospects. Why? It takes less time and energy to generate turnover by upselling to an existing customer than to turn a cold prospect into a customer. Moreover, you have more to lose with existing customers.
  4. Don't spend time on leads where there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Your employer pays your salary primarily because of the sales you bring in, not because you have fantastic perseverance.
  5. Never give up on prospects where there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  6. Prepare your prospecting visits. It has never been easier to prepare properly. Use all media channels: website, LinkedIn, balance center,...
  7. In the early stages of the conversation, listen more than you speak. Give people time to respond to your questions by waiting for them to finish talking, even if silences feel uncomfortable.
  8. At first contact, identify all the people involved in the buying process. This will help you avoid negative surprises later in the sales process.
  9. Do not use hardselling techniques in a B2B environment. Pushing is counterproductive. Want to try it anyway? Hopefully, you have a pilot's licence.
  10. There is nothing more indicative of customer focus than redirecting the customer to the competition in case you cannot offer anything yourself.

Do you feel like getting started with our sales tips for account managers? Would you like to increase your chances of success during your commercial contacts? Contact us!

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