
Active listening is an indispensable skill for anyone who wants to have valuable conversations. In this guide, you will discover what active listening means, why it is important in the context of sales, and how to apply it.

What is meant by active listening?

Active listening has its origins in the clinical psychology and later evolved into an important skill within communication. It goes beyond just hearing what the other person is saying. Active listening involves using all your senses and explicitly checking whether you have correctly understood the speaker's message. This includes not only the content of what is being said, but also the feelings and intentions the speaker wants to convey with it.

The aim of active listening is to really connect and strengthen mutual understanding. This involves the listener focusing their full attention on the speaker, without distraction, showing that the message is appreciated and understood. In doing so, you (temporarily) set aside your own opinion.

The opposite of active listening is passive listening. Here the speaker is heard, but active engagement and interaction is lacking, often preventing a deeper connection.

The importance of active listening in sales conversations

Active listening is not only essential in everyday life, but plays an even bigger role in sales calls. It is key to building trust and strong customer relationships, the foundations of a successful sale:

  • Active listening enables you to gain in-depth insights into the customer's wants, needs and emotions. You not only hear what is said, but also understand the message behind the words.
  • With this valuable knowledge, you can target the customer's unique situation and offer tailor-made solutions.
  • This not only results in a better customer experience, but also in building trust and lasting relationships. A customer who feels understood and had a pleasant experience is more likely to return again.

In short, active listening is an indispensable skill for any successful salesperson.

3 practical techniques and tips for better active listening

active listening infographic

1. Switch off all possible distractions

The most important tip is to make sure external factors do not disrupt the conversation. There is nothing more annoying than notifications from a smartphone or laptop, or other distractions such as noisy environments, or people interrupting in between.

Provide an environment in which you can listen undisturbed. Deliberately make time and space available for your prospect or customer, so that they feel your attention is fully focused on them. This not only enhances focus, but also shows the customer that he or she is a priority for you.

2. Apply the LSD technique

You read correctly. This is (thankfully) not about narcotics or hidden messages in Beatles songs (cfr. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds). However, I am talking about the effective Listening-Summarising-Inquiry (LSD) technique. This technique works as follows:

  • Listen: focus all your attention on the speaker and show genuine interest, empathy and empathy. Let the other person finish speaking, without interrupting or judging.
  • Summary. Regularly summarise what your interlocutor has said to check whether you have understood correctly. Use wording such as, "Do I understand correctly that..." or "so, in other words...". This shows that you are listening attentively, in addition to giving the speaker a chance to correct any misunderstandings.
  • Forward. Ask open-ended questions to delve deeper into what the other person has said. By doing so, you invite the speaker to share more details or insights. Furthermore, you show genuine interest and further get a full picture of the situation or need.

3. Also speak to actions

You can also make it clear non-verbally that you are actively listening. Some examples:

  • Nod occasionally to show that you are with them.
  • Use your facial expressions to show commitment.
  • Make it clear with your posture that you are interested. Keep an open and facing the speaker and lean slightly forward.
  • Let silences fall at the right moments so that the speaker has time to finish his or her thoughts.
  • Take notes. This not only helps organise the information for yourself, but also shows that you pay attention to details and want to record them accurately.

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