

After contact with a customer, such as after your sales pitch or sales pitch, many customers will not immediately contact you again as a seller. In such cases, you have two options:

  • Waiting for the customer to contact you themselves;
  • Or take the initiative yourself and contact the customer to inquire about their possible interest in your company and offerings.

We call the latter option a follow-up, and is the option we strongly recommend.

Why do you need to follow up?

This follow-up is important because it can increase your chances of a successful sale. This is because potential customers may be distracted, forget to respond or simply become disinterested. By regularly contacting the prospects, the salesperson can spark the customer's interest and commitment and gently push them towards a purchase.

How do you best follow up with your prospect?

A follow-up can be done on several ways be done, such as:

  • Via email;
  • By phone;
  • Through social media or an online chat;
  • Through personal contact

It is important to choose the right method based on the preferred of the prospect and the type of sale. A well-executed follow-up can lead to more successful sales transactions and a better customer relationship.

Of course, you are not going to follow up a day after the contact. It is important to give your customer time to think about your proposal or offer. Suppose a customer says they need a week, you can contact them again after a week. This way, you show initiative in not sitting around waiting for a response.

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