A USP, or in long a Unique Selling Point or Unique Selling Proposition, is a unique feature of your business, product or service that provides an advantage over the competition. This advantage makes your company stand out in the market among your competitors. The USP is usually at the centre of most communications and appears again and again in advertisements and other content.
USP examples
A USP can go many ways. For example, your company may predicate that you are the cheapest on the market, or that you have a unique product or service. Try to describe your unique selling point clearly and don't stay too vague. Also note, offers such as discounts or even free shipping are not USPs.
Some tips
A good USP is a combination of what the customers want and what you do well as a company. A USP should also be able to convince customers. Therefore, also consider the following things:
- Be assertive: stand up for your company, but use good arguments and also show that the USP is also effectively reflected in the company.
- Think of the customers: what is important or unique to you is not necessarily so to customers. Put yourself in the customer's needs and problems.
- Not just words: a USP may appear in the slogan but it does not stop there. Do not only include the USPs in your words, but also show that the USPs are reflected in the company's actions.
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